Guaranteed / Simplified Issue


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Premium Financing for Life Insurance





Guaranteed / Simplified Issue

Guaranteed Issue - We have two different plans for Guaranteed Issue: Individual, up to age 80, and Group. On our Group Guaranteed Issue Programs, YOU CAN EARN WHAT YOU WOULD EARN NORMALLY IN A YEAR IN ONE SALE !!

Simplified Issue -
to age 80 up to 100k for Permanent. Also 20 and 30 years Term with or without return of premium up to 200k to age 60.

For Individual Guaranteed Issue, maximum guaranteed issue age of 80 with death benefit of up to $50,000. No medical questions ask. Just simply complete the application form!

Our Group Guaranteed Plan issues up to maximum of $2,000,000.00 per life (100 people). Even 50 people gets you $750,000.00/individual and for 25 people gets $250,000.00/individual. Also the policy will have about 85% Cash Value in the First Year.

We also have some carriers who can provide coverage for HIV positive individuals. Please contact us for more details.



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